Monday, October 29, 2007
Sweet Sloan
Saturday, October 27, 2007
A fun little carnival
Halloween carnival 2007 at church in Sparks, NV
Today was busy, but very productive. I finished the hugely cheesy pumpkins that I meant to finish days ago. All I have to do is put a clear coat on them tomorrow. It only took me a few hours one I got started. One side has pumpkin faces for Halloween, and the other side is just a plain pumpkin for Thanksgiving. I wanted them to have a double use. Deans' Mom asked me to paint her a Santa and his sleigh with reindeer, for Christmas. I will start on a sketch in the next few days. I need to finish a scrap booking contest that is due on Thursday. I have a 12x12 page layout, card, and gift tag to finish. All have to coordinate. The theme is "What I am thankful for". I have the rough sketch down on paper and most of the scrap booking elements gathered together. Tomorrow, when I am able this project will be my main focus. I am really wanting to start that giant canvas. It is calling my name along with a few other projects I haven't started yet.
The carnival at church was very well done and fun for the kids. Everyone had fun. It was nice to go as a family. Did you like our tacky Wendy's diner pictures? Can you believe how big the girls are getting? I am so tired, so now I will sleep for a while. Goodnight.
Friday, October 26, 2007
The Birthday Girl
Two years ago today........
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Back on track
Last night I was able to walk 2 miles on the treadmill. Dean worked on the little 50 dirt bike while I walked and then I came in and did crunches and stretched. I have missed my walks at the Marina. It's just a little difficult to drive all the way over when Aris is still waking up still in the early evenings. Hopefully in the spring I can get back there again.
Today has so far been a really great day. I am off to paint and will write more soon.
Monday, October 22, 2007
An uneventfully eventfull day
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Crop till you drop
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Daddies home

Tonight I am going to sketch some pumpkins on wood so that I can cut them out, paint them, and put them by the front door to use as decorations. Very cheesy, I know but fun, and I am not letting any wood scraps go to waste. I have been a wee bit busy the past week, that's why I didn't post. However I finally caught up on the house work (we had a mountain of laundry), now I feel like I can relax enough to create again. I am very inspired by some art documentaries I watched this week and I plan on starting the big canvas this weekend. It's been a good day
Saturday, October 6, 2007
A sigh of relief