Today and tomorrow I will be listening to a broadcast of the 178Th Semiannual General Conference. This is a live broadcast from Salt Lake City, Utah that includes inspirational talks from many members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Don't forget the music of The Mormon Tabernacle Choir. I'm not a huge fan, like I wouldn't go and buy an album, but that choir gets me every time. Goose bumps and watery eyes. I imagine angels in heaven sound pretty close to the way they sing. Even if you don't have the same belief system as the Mormon faith, I would encourage anyone who is needing a little lifting of the spirit in the tough times that we live in, to just take a listen. I promise you if nothing more you will walk away filled with a warmth in your heart and touched by the spirit. Conference is filled with talks on strengthening the family, hope, faith, charity and many others, with the main focus being on how we can accomplish all these things through God our father and his son Jesus Christ. With so much heartache, wickedness and sadness in our weary world, these beautiful words along with reading the Bible and The Book of Mormon (Another testament of Jesus Christ, not to replace the Bible) going to church and surrounding myself with positive and uplifting people give me that "spiritual shot" if you will that I so need on a constant basis. If you do have a chance to listen, I would love to know your thoughts on what you hear.
Go here to listen. Once you reach the main page just press on "General Conference" and you can choose your language.
Saturday morning session:(already over)
afternoon session: MDT 2 pm
Sunday morning session: MDT 8 am
afternoon session: MDT 2 pm