How many of you love this woman, and all the creative ideas she and her staff come up with as much as I do? I have always been an admirer of her ideas and talent. All her ideas are filled with creativity, are clean, crisp, uncluttered and beautiful to look at. My favorite from Martha were the lovely "Kid's" magazines she used to publish. I always dreamed that maybe some day I would be able to send in an idea and she would love it so much she would put it in her magazine. I was so sad when the magazine was cancelled a few years back. I have saved every issue I ever bought and still refer back to them for inspiration.
The reason I am mentioning her here, is that she wants to hear from "YOU" fellow Bloggers out in Blog Land. Go visit her blog (use link at the side) and leave a comment. She will choose her favorite blogs to add to her blog. Sounds like fun to me. So go, leave a comment!