Sloan is so excited about her new sewing machine (mom is too) It is challenging trying to teach her how to sew. She thinks she knows how to do it already. I am sure I probably was the same at her age. Today she actually listened. We had so much fun. She is working on cutting out the squares for her quilted bag that she wants to make.

It came from this amazing little book/kit that I picked up in San Diego at the Amvet thrift store. It's now our little tradition to go every time we are in San Diego. All us girls go down there. This was brand new in the package. I got it for $1.95. It is very age appropriate, the people at Klutz are so smart about how they present the information. The book also came with a kit to get started on a few simple projects. it included fabric, batting, and other sewing notions. Sloan was able to read and look at the pictures in the book and start working on the project with an idea of how it was all supposed to work. Then she informed me I was preparing the fabric incorrectly. Heehee. I informed her I know little tricks of the trade. A happy medium was found. She's a smart little cookie & I am sure she will be sewing great creations in no time.

While Sloan was prepping for her project, I was working on the other dresses. Assembly style is so much faster than one at a time.

This is what I finished up last night. Just added the last button on the back this morning. I used two eye hooks as the closures. The back button is for show. It looks just like the buttons on the front pockets. I used a vintage print I had purchased at a yard sale oh so many years ago. I am too embarrassed to say how many years I've been toting this fabric around. Yeah I know, the dress is being modeled by Pepito. I couldn't find our Madeline dolls.

The dress is completely lined with a cotton muslin. It could even be worn reversed if you wanted a more simple look. It was kind of a bugger to remember how to sew lining into the garment. Especially since it's so small. I finally remembered so the rest of the dresses should go a little smoother. Hopefully. I don't know if people would even be interested in buying something like this for their little girls. I am hoping to have pictures of the other dresses soon. This little dress will be going to my ever patient swap partner.