Air Bear tackling the kiddie slide.

Getting all the girls to look the same way at once these days is next to impossible.

Aris running through the rose garden. No roses yet. The girls still enjoyed looking at all the different kinds of roses that will be there in the spring.


Zoe striking a pose. Seriously she was trying to pose, it was funny.

The girls by the Truckee River.

Do you see her sly little grin? Yes that would be in regards to me telling the girls repeatedly not to go too close to the water. I'm not "that" mom, but I was going it alone and holding Aris. So if I HAD to jump in to rescue someone it would have been a family affair.

So every once in a while I wake up, look outside and can hardly stand the thought of spending my whole day inside. Today was one of those days. I had the hugest case of cabin fever. The clear blue skies were calling my name. Promises of a park visit were made and the deal was sealed. You can't throw around the P-A-R-K word lightly around here. If you do you end up being the worlds worst parent when you don't make good on your promise. Sloan was a little panicky when I decided to take a nap with the little ones. She must have asked me 20 times if we were still going to the park. I assured her we were. I did however inform her if she interrupted my nap one more time there would most definitely be no park today.
When we all were rested we headed to one of our favorite spots and the kids played and ran and played some more. It was a little chilly today, but in the sun it felt just warm enough to help you forget it's still winter here. The fresh air was just what I needed. I felt so refreshed. On our way home I took a quick detour to the riverside area in Downtown Reno. It's one of my favorite parts of downtown. The girls love it too. During the summer months there are more activities centered around this area than you could shake a stick at (what does that really mean anyway? I can shake a stick pretty fast) So we walked along the sidewalks and bridges. We all can't wait to go play in the water and on the rocks when it's a little warmer.
On our way home the girls decided they wanted breakfast for dinner. This is a fun meal for them because they get to help. I let them add the different ingredients and mix and stir. They always put on their little aprons that Grandma Swanson sent them for Christmas. Our favorite breakfast for dinner menu is::
chocolate chip pancakes
scrambled eggs with cheese
It was a delicious meal. I think mostly because my little ones helped. Don't get me wrong, there were moments of grumpiness today. I still feel like it was one of those magical days with my girls. The only thing that would have made it even more amazing is if Dean could have been here. We talked on the phone tonight and already have plans to take the girls sledding next weekend (if weather permits). Sometimes I just need days like today. As a mom I sometimes feel like I have more failures than successes when it comes to spending time with my precious little ones. Today was not one of those days. Nope. Today was a good day. Hope yours was too.