One of a few stores that were affected by the quake.
It has gotten pretty cold here again. It was so nice on my walk this morning. I didn't even break a sweat because it was too cold. I loved it. I am enjoying our unusually cold weather while I can. Soon it will be hotter than blue blazes out here. I do however look forward to being able to dress the girls in all the darling summer clothes that I got out of storage. I have received so many like new hand me downs in the past, that there is hardly anything I need to buy for little Zoe and Aris. Sloan is a different story. The poor kid needs dresses and shorts. Both Sloan and Zoe need summer shoes. I will be watching the sale racks and bargains on e-bay.
Earth quake update. So far so good. We are still having a lot of seismic activity. Most you just don't feel. For some reason I feel the little tremors when no one else does. I am sensitive to the movements. We are all safe. My friends the Hales family received some damage to their home on the last big one. Cracks in their walls, and the garage door is all messed up. They have taken down all their art and sculptures until things settle down. They are very close to where the epicenter seems to be. Our home has been fine. There are a few businesses that lost merchandise during the last big quake. Most were wine retailers, or stores with items that fell off the shelves. I will keep you posted to any new info or if we have anymore major quakes.
Let me know what you are working on that is creative at the moment. I am always inspired to work a little longer and harder on my art when I am surrounded by the creativity of others.