It was just a little too quiet. So I took a peek, yes this little girls would put some mountain climbers to shame. She was watching the girls play out in the driveway. When she started banging on the window, I scooped her up, dressed her and sent her outside with the girls. She is old enough to send outside with the big girls. They watch her & Zoe like two little mother hens. It's nice because I can watch them from the kitchen while I get dinner ready. Although I am not outside, I am keeping my eye on them at all times. It is still pretty chilly here. However the girls just can't stand being inside anymore. So out they go.
I will be back to work on the dresses tonight. Dean and I had a "date" last night. Yep we ate ice cream and played cards. It was fun. Things are pretty tight around our house. We are trying to save money any way we can, got rid of cable, don't eat out unless on a trip, thrift store shopping baby! So I thought, if we can't go out for a date we can have one here at home. It was so much fun. A simple reminder that I am married to one of the greatest guys.