Zoe riding off into the sunset
My 4 loves

Grandma Cindy with the girls
Thought I'd play catch up once again with my photos. My mother in law Cindy came out for a visit & was so very helpful. I think I said in my last post how very helpful it is to have an extra set of hands around. I was a little sad that she wasn't able to be here for the birth. I think we both were. At the rate things are going my mom is not going to be here for the birth either. I've had all this wonderful help around and no new baby, lol, Murphy's Law hard at work.
Cindy spoiled us all. Not only did she help out around the house, she also spent one on one time with each of the girls. Something they all enjoy. Sloan and Grandma Cindy went for a birthday pedicure one afternoon. Another day Cindy & I went out and she bought the most lovely crib for the baby. It touched my heart. It's the first crib I've ever had for my babies. Sloan slept in a hand me down & Zoe did also. I had to give the crib back to my friend when Zoe was out of it. Little Aris slept in a pack-n-play until last month. So you can imagine how much I adore this generous gift. We also had some very fun lunch outings with grandma. I think I gained a good 5 pounds from all the yummy food we ate.
I think the thing I am most grateful for is her willingness to take time from her busy schedule and stay with our loud and busy family. I miss living by family. Having so many visits in one month is a dream come true. It's going to be pretty lonely around here at the end of the month. Thankfully we should be heading down to San Diego the first part of July. That will make it a little more bearable.
Well I'm heading to my midwife appointment this afternoon. I'll let you know what she has to say. I hope you all are having a most wonderful week.