First art night with Sloan.

Second art night with Sloan.
You can click on the above drawings to see all the detail. I've tried art night with Sloan in the past & it's kind of a hit or miss thing. She recently asked if we could start drawing together again. I haven't been feeling very well lately so it's been fun to work on art with my girl. She motivates me & I think I do the same for her. She gets a little frustrated sometimes when she doesn't get things just right. I explain that it takes years, YEARS, to sometimes have art look the way you want it to. Even then you still will make mistakes. I also also emphasize there really are no mistakes in art, only happy accidents :)
I chose to give her the little Van Gogh book I bought at a thrift store. It's vintage and has that dusty old smell (I love that smell). I feel that Van Gogh is a pretty easy artist to understand. The movement & emotion of his paintings span the generations. You & I as adults might read a deeper meaning from his work, but children understand a certain level of emotion from his works also. Sloan was very fascinated with the story of the artist chopping off his ear. I explained his life in age appropriate terms. Didn't feel she needed to know about the prostitutes & drug use. She loves his use of color and all the different brush strokes in his paintings. I would have to agree with her.
So from time to time I will be posting our art night sessions. If any of you do this with your kids, please let me know. It would be so much fun to link back to your art nights too :) Happy weekend everyone!