Little Aris right after I got her out of the tub. She loves her baths.
Sloan set up all of these little Madam Alaxander dolls and put on a play for Zoe.
Today was Dean's birthday. The girls helped me pick out a shirt for Dean's gift and we also bought a yummy cheesecake (Dean's favorite). I hope he had a good day. I sure adore him. He works so hard for our little family.
Today was the second day of working after school at FBCC. So far so good. They called me on Tuesday and asked if I could fill in until they fill the position again. I am certified in CPR and all the other qualifications. I am happy to help out. I miss all the kids and the teachers, so it's fun to see everyone. Zoe loves to run and play on the playground and it's fun for Sloan to see her friends.
It's time for me to snuggle up with the birthday boy. Goodnight all!