All you have to do to win this original painting is to leave a comment. If you link back to this post on your blog, you will have your name added 5 more times to the drawing (that's a total of 6 chances to win Slugger). You can link back to this post by pressing the "Links to this post" and then press "Create a link". I am sure there is an easier way of doing this, but I am just learning how to do this link business. The winner will be chosen by one of my munchkins Monday August 11, 2008 at 4pm. My girls are having just as much fun with the giveaways as I am. They love to pick the winners.
"Take me out to the Ballgame" measures 9"x10". This is hand painted by me! I used a medium thick watercolor paper and watercolors with some acrylic. A frame will not be included in this giveaway unless I can find one that I think looks cute. Look forward to seeing Slugger and you at the big game on Monday. Oh, I almost forgot, I'll bring the Crackerjacks!