This is an illustration I did in January of this year. Sometimes I finish an illustration only to find the frame doesn't quite fit the feel of the painting. Thats what happened in the case of this little illustration. I was very happy tonight when I went to get an oval piece of glass from Michaels and I found a perfect frame for the little Birdie Sisters. This will be added to the upcoming Friday update.
I have another illustration I am hoping to get started tonight, however I have to finish up a little project for the JDRF. Look for another illustration soon. I would like to add one more item to Fridays update. So off I go to work my little buns off! If only I actually saw results (in the bun area that is :)
P.S. Don't forget to go check out Sitting Pretty Studios Newest Giveaway. The handmade cards are just adorable.
P.S.S. Their is another giveaway at Bloesem Kids. They are giving away a $100 gift certificate to the lovely children's store Chittypulga. If I won I would use it for Christmas presents for my little ones.