Here is little Zoe waiting for Dean to pull into the driveway. "Daddies home," she says. Every time she sees a white truck with a lumber rack driving down the road she squeals, "Daddy!" I have to tell her daddy is at work and then she just kind of sits in the car seat and looks out the window again. The past two days Zoe walks around all day saying, "I want my Daddy!" Its very cute. Sloan worked so hard today on her homework and she aced her spelling pre-test. Aris was a bit fussy today, but all in all it was a good day. I was able to talk to Cindy, Deans mom. She is a wonderful person and it was so fun to talk to her.
Tonight I am going to sketch some pumpkins on wood so that I can cut them out, paint them, and put them by the front door to use as decorations. Very cheesy, I know but fun, and I am not letting any wood scraps go to waste. I have been a wee bit busy the past week, that's why I didn't post. However I finally caught up on the house work (we had a mountain of laundry), now I feel like I can relax enough to create again. I am very inspired by some art documentaries I watched this week and I plan on starting the big canvas this weekend. It's been a good day