To find out more about Project Improv go to the lovely Tall Grass Prairie Studios
My first square is for the pink & orange group. I decided to make it my crazy quilt square. I used some chenille, vintage gingham, another vintage print I only had a small rectangle of, a small green & pink gingham that was a remnant from my stash of designer fabric samples (I used to work for an interior designer before I had my last two kiddos) & last but not least the bright orange fabric I picked up at Hancock fabric the other night to tie it all together.
My second block is for the green & blue group in the traditional log cabin style. I used two of my retro fabrics from my dwindling vintage stash (I really need to hit some yard sales now that the weather is nicer & try to stock up again), a small print with a tiny little bit of gold shimmer on it, & the blue green dots on the white background I purchased from Hancock the other day to pull it all together.
I'm a little nervous. Although I have made my own version of small little quilts here and there I have never made an official quilt block before. I had such a blast. I know they aren't perfect & any seasoned quilter might have a jolly good laugh at them, but I gotta start somewhere right? I was lucky enough to make both of these at my dear friend Brenda's home. She worked on her granddaughters Easter dress while I worked on my blocks. She was a big help with the pink and orange block. My goal was to use as much of my own vintage fabric as I could. It was like putting a puzzle together to get it all to fit. I seriously have one tiny 2 in block of the vintage gingham left. All in all this project has me wishing I had even more hours in the day than I already wish I did, so I could add quilting to the long list of things I'd like to be working on.
I really hope you fellow quilters will feel free to leave comments or tips for my next try at this. I also had so much fun with this I am hoping to join a virtual quilt group (if they'll have me) So if any of you have suggestions on that I would love to hear them.