Birthday Swim
Eleven years young Sloan. Although you are already talking about growing up faster than I want you to. Hammy burgers for dinner with Bumma, Nennan, & the rest of the famdamily. The waiters sang a cheesy happy birthday song to you while you blushed & the rest of us whooped & hollered. You got a karaoke game for your wii, a set of tiny furniture for your little Barbie babies & some tiny little LalaLoopsy sets (you like tiny things :). I am almost positive this will be the last year to buy you toys. I know this due to the embarrassed cry of "Mom!!!!!!!" when I mention toys in front of your friends. I guess it just isn't "cool" to play with toys anymore at your age. I am glad you still do when no one else is around. I hope this eleventh year of your life proves to be a happy one. I hope that it's filled with less pain & wonderful friendship & learning experiences. Most of all I just want you to know how pleased I am with what a strong beautiful young woman you are turning into. I adore you sweet bologna. Happy Happy Birthday sweet girl!