Here is the newest cab that Dean installed. Eventually the washer will be in a laundry room once we start/finish the addition. When the washer is gone the cabinet and counter will wrap around for more counter space. The cabinet will be painted the same color as the rest of the cabs.

Yup they are gone! The cute but non functional (didn't really fit with our needs) corner curio cabinets, do you see all the smoke damage from the electrical fire? Plus Dean removed one of those in the wall ironing boards. It was old, but not old enough to be cool and save.

This was one of those projects Dean put off for a while just because. Once the cabs and new sink ext. were installed the window was not center to the sink. It just looked rather odd.

So he beefed up the wall and added a massive new header, and moved the window so it was centered with the sink. Cool weather is here. We still might have a couple warm days so for now the swamp cooler has to stay. It's my favorite part of the year when Dean takes the cooler down because it is no longer needed. Seriously, this summer has been so mild. I really feel we are in for a long and bitterly cold winter.

And here it is folks! The new window (notice how it's now centered) and the new backsplash in progress. It looks ghettorific at the moment. Just you wait Henry Higgins! Soon I will post the finished pictures (well as soon as soon can be) and I think you will be amazed.