So the other day, Saturday to be precise, Aris was sooooo grumpy. So I picked that little stinker up and put her shoes on and we headed out. I had to get out of the house. The walls were closing in on me. So I headed where any normal thrifty house wife would head, the clearance section of RC Willeys. Now Dean cringes at the mere mention of this name. Due to the fact that I always find something I just can't live without. Yes that is where we found our lovely computer cabinet, and our leather furniture. So I went into the store and strapped little stinker into one of their clever little strollers, and we headed to the dumdumdum, clearance section. Of coarse there were many lovely items to be had for a great price. However all were just a little to expensive. I did however find this little number. It is supposed to sit on a dresser. I think it could work as a furniture piece all by itself. What do you think? It was too good of a price to pass up though. So even if it doesn't fit in this corner I can find another home for it. I might even paint something on the cabinet doors. So your opinion please, yes or no? Does it work?
To finish the story:: Little stinker was still being a little stinker. The trip never really solved that problem. It was however fun to spend some time with just her.
Cost of shelf:: Originally $240.00
I paid:: On sale for $20.00
Just couldn't pass up such a good deal. Plus it's real wood, not the pressed fiberboard stuff. I found the amazing basket that fits perfectly underneath at TJMaxx.