Can you tell we love to read? I still need to paint the house bookshelf & add curtains to the windows. I will save this project for a warm weather day.

So I apologize for all the pictures of mass chaos. The room seriously looks like a bomb went off. I still wanted to share the "room swap" that we did with our girls. We have a two bedroom home. Dean and I pretty much just sleep and get dressed in our room so it made sense to us to move the girls into the master bedroom and us into the smaller room. Can I tell you how much I love sleeping in a room with no children? Its nice. Dean and I can talk again before we go to sleep and we don't have to worry about waking up a baby. It's also nice when we kiss and stuff, uhm uhm, that there is no longer a little head popping up yelling, MOMMA! Yes this room swap is nice.

I still need two toy chests. I am going to sketch up my ideas in the hopes that Dean will oblige my creative request. A normal size toy chest wouldn't work. The girls need more of a toy chest/window seat to store all of the stuffed animals and dolls in. A second one is needed to store all the toys. Three girls, three age groups, 8 years of toys, you do the math. This is the reason I tell people my girls
really don't need anything. They can hardly play with all the toys that they have. I have however gone through their toys and donated what is no longer played with & we are very good about buying things to go along with the "sets" of toys they already have.

Our new room is small, but cozy. I will admit even when I was a little girl I never dreamed of vest giant rooms with lots of space to put things. No I always played that I lived in small spaces with cozy walls and comfy tiny rooms. Thankfully for me. Ever since I moved from home I have lived in smaller circumstances. Even though it would be nice to have one more bedroom & a laundry room, I would never want a huge giant house.

I still have a lot of things to do in our new room. I found a paint color I would love to paint the walls, a pottery barn color. But we have a ton of unused paint in the garage so I will work with what we have. I can't wait to hang some of the artwork that I have had in storage and I really can't wait to post the "after" pictures. In the mean time I am sure to have a good time working with my newest blank canvas.