This past week has been a little up and down for me. I have managed to work out all but one day. I just didn't feel real well. It's that time of the year when the weather is changing & I am dealing with sneezing, watery eyes, and a stuffed yet runny nose. Doesn't make waking up at 5:20 in the am all that pleasant. I did go for our fast paced 3 mile walk this morning after missing yesterdays walk. I wasn't feeling real good, but once the walk was over I felt great. Haven't been able to weigh myself yet. Hope to this weekend.
My goals this week are to keep up the walking, do my DVD workout, and keep up with the water intake. I have also started taking some b12. Hoping that it helps with some of the fatigue I have had. Working on getting some really great vitamins. I think those would help too.
Hope everyone else is having a super great workout kind of week!