Had a chance to talk with an old friend from art school. Chris Ryniak his wife Trisha and two darling kids live in Ohio. They are some of the kindest nicest people you will ever meet. Chris also happens to be quite an amazing artist. I was fortunate enough while in art school to always be surrounded by friends that were the funnest and most talented artists. There were many sketch nights over at Shawn and Kevin's apartment. I was lucky enough to always be invited. So much talent. It was fun to be in school surrounded by the frenzy of constant creativity. Sometimes I wish I still had a group of artist friends I could meet with once or twice a month to have sketch nights and allow for constructive criticism of current works of art. Life just gets so busy when you have family and little ones. I still keep in touch with a few of my old friends from art school and have recently come back into contact with a few I had lost touch with. All are doing exceptionally well in there artistic fields. It keeps me moving forward. I have so far to go when it comes to my art, but everyday I do something artistic I am one step closer to attaining my goal of becoming a better artist.
I am leaving you with a few of the sketches I will be working on for the next few days. Can't wait to show the finished pieces this weekend.