I thought I'd try to actually stick to the theme of "toys" this week. It challenged me to think outside the box a little. I sketched for quite a while and spent a lot of time on one drawing only to be left feeling totally disappointed. I decided to just sketch another little idea I had (the one above). It was a quick sketch in my old style from back in college days. It took me all of 5 minutes, but I had so much fun doing it. Then I broke out my paints and filled in the color. I felt so free after finishing this little exercise. I really feel that I need to do this on a daily basis. Just 15 minutes to finish something from start to finish, no pressure, & these quick sketches that fill up a sketchbook become ideas for future illustrations.
If you are interested in joining the Thursday fun drop by Simply Feathers blog. Everyone is welcome! All artistic levels are participating. It's fun to see so many people take time out of their week to spend a moment on the creative process.
You can find more artsy goodness ::here::