I have been wanting to host a giveaway for quite some time now. I have been blogging for over a year now. I must say, I couldn't be happier with all the blogging friends I have made during this time. To celebrate over a year of blogging and a super fun holiday I am giving away "Little Miss Halloween Kitty". She has put on her favorite collar and party hat in hopes you'll have her along on the night of tricks and treats.
All you have to do is leave a comment by 12 midnight on Friday October 24,2008 telling me what your favorite Halloween memory is and I will enter you once into the drawing. Wait there is more if you post about my giveaway, and link back to it on your blog, I will add your name 5 more times. It doesn't stop there (hehehe do I sound like a game show host?) If you add a button to the side of your blog about the giveaway, I will add your name another 5 times. That is a total of 11 times. I would really love for all of you first timers to my blog and those that maybe haven't left a comment before to feel free to enter also. These giveaways are way more fun when everyone gets in on the action. The winner will be announced on Saturday October 25th.
* "Little Miss Halloween Kitty" comes protected in a 5"x7" black plastic frame. She is a one of a kind hand made illustration by me. I use acid free scrapbook paper and scrapbook embellishments. I also hand embroider all of the stitching.
* If you don't have a blog, feel free to leave your email address at the end of your entry. Like I said anyone is more than welcome to join my giveaways.