So its that time of year again. Time to get out the Halloween decorations, pull out the winter clothes, and get the house ready for fall.

Zoe &
Aris enjoying the last of the cool fall afternoons. Digging of

Snow! In October! I know. This is what we woke up to yesterday morning. I still took the kids for our morning walk, however it was a miserable experience. All but three of the kids screamed and cried. All the moms bundled up all the kids. I think it was just the pure shock of how bitter cold it was. It didn't get above 37 degrees and snowed on and off all day into the night.

So after school we headed over to Hillary's for a little
Wii action and some popcorn.

There was a little of the snowball action going on also.

Aris playing with Hillary's American Girl doll. Yes she is not much bigger than the doll. She's just the most
petite little girl I know. Still wearing some 6-9 month things.

My favorite little Zoe outfit. I love the brand
Oilily. It is by far one of my favorite clothing lines for kids and moms. I usually can't afford to buy their clothes due the the price tag. The pants above retailed for $150. I got them on
eBay gently used (seriously like brand new) for around $12. I was jumping up and down for joy. They are lined and made of a super thick wool fabric. I didn't have any shirts to match the pants but I found the t shirt as seen in the picture at old Navy for $5. The cream colored long sleeved undershirt at Target for $5. now she has a super toasty complete outfit for winter.

What is this? A pile of clean laundry? Nope, a pile of clothes that are hand me downs for Zoe. Almost all are winter clothes. How grateful I am to have found these in the garage? How grateful I am that I saved so many of Sloan's clothes from when she was this age? What a blessing to find them now. Last but not least I am helping to reduce reuse and recycle! How cool is that?

Last but not least, one of the things I am working on this weekend. This is for sweet Karen who won my last giveaway. She has been oh so patient with me and I hope to have it finished by tomorrow and off in the mail by Monday.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend.