So I promised that I would tell you about the wonderful paper stores I went to. Here they are. I have never been to either store before and I wish I was rolling in the dough because I saw so many things I would love to have. I was really good though. I am however setting some money aside for our next trip to San Francisco. Then I can get the other stuff I wanted too. The first store was the Paper Source. It is a yummy store, full of so many goodies. Too many fun and exciting products to take in, in just one trip.

They have a few 12x12 papers, but most come in sheets. I bought most of these for under $4. The red dots on the black background are fuzzy. How fun is that! I went with Valentines day on my mind. Its hard for me to think ahead for the whole holiday thing, but I feel this will be my year to get better at it. I can't wait to use these in my upcoming projects.

This store was an amazing scrapbooking store. Its called Scrapbook Territory. I should have brought a bib, you know to control the drool, from all the lovelies that I saw. Just kidding of course, but seriously folks if you are ever in the Berkeley area you should visit this amazing store. It is big. So plan on spending at least an hour looking at everything. I made a quick sweep through the store due to time and children factors. Next trip I will take more time.

Certainly last but not least, my project that I'm working on. Those little neatly cut piles are 6 doll dresses in the works. 2 for swap partners, 2 for my girls, & 2 for the shop. The flower print is a vintage curtain pattern. It was tricky cutting the little pieces out because it was a remnant piece. I made it work. Peasant dresses come to mind when I see this fabric, so I thought it would be cute to add little aprons on each one. I have loads of fabric memo samples left over from when I worked at the design studio. I am going to use them this year for various projects. It's just the right amount of fabric for little details on projects such as these. The navy & pink plaid fabric I found at a yard sale. I'm thinking more along the lines of 1940's play dress feel. I will be adding collars and little sashes with bows on these. I am using a pattern for the basic form of the dress but all the additions I will add on myself. I am excited to see how they all turn out.