I know it's tiny but this is the color Dean is painting our master bedroom.
I really wanted white however Dean was worried about hand prints. Not just the kids messy little hands but his big messy hands also. He works construction all day and no matter how much he washes his hands they always look dirty. He's notorious for leaving black marks on the fridge and cupboards. Sometimes the doors and walls. So last night we went to Lowe's to pick out the color of our room. I took before pictures and will post them this weekend. I'm so excited with the color change. If I couldn't have white walls this is the next best thing. Dean picked it out & it was very close to the color I had chosen so we went for it. It is called Lyndhurst Gallery Beige & it's from the Valspar Historic Preservation Collection of paints. I like that it had more of a grey base rather than a peach or purple undertone. It really looks great on the walls. So much nicer than the mustard yellow & muted ketchup red.
Dean really wanted to get our room painted before the baby came. We wanted the smell to be gone and also a calmer environment for him to sleep in. I love the fact that everything looks so good with it. It's pretty neutral so we can do so much with art and different accessories. Because we don't have a bedroom set yet, when we can afford to buy one the sky's the limit. Pretty much any wood finish will match. I'm also hoping to use some of the scrap moulding that he has left over from other projects to make frames for some of the art canvases I have. They would just need a nice coat of black spray paint and everything would have a real finished look to it. I'll keep you posted on that little project.
Dean should be finished painting our room tomorrow. Then on to the girls pink monster of a room. I can't wait to share the pictures with you this weekend!