I am so excited to present my very First Ever Springtime Giveaway!
I say "my" but really it consists of myself and 3 other very talented and lovely artist, crafters & creative women from all over the country. All of us wives, some of us mothers, many of us have never met in person before, but all connected by a love of art. What a wonderful benefit of the blogging community to surround yourself with others who inspire and encourage. I feel very blessed to call each and every one of these bloggers a friend. So join me, if you will, to celebrate Springtime & creativity in this very fun and awesome giveaway.
You have a chance to win all 4 items!

Hi. Hi. I'm Tamara Brink (tams). The artist behind the blog TaMs! I'm an elementary art teacher by day and a painter, doodler & designer by night. I graduated from the Rocky Mountain College of Art & Design & live in Denver Colorado with my amazing husband (Vito) & my Dynamite dog (Cassius). I love taking photos, running, baking,spending time with my husband & eating hot dogs with ketchup. Yum!
I have always loved creating. I grew up in Idaho watching my mom sew, craft & bake & she taught me how to use my hands to create *magiC*. I really love the process of dreaming up designs & transferring them to paper, canvas, fabric, & wood. I started my etsy shop about a year ago & sell digital prints of my drawings. Soon I will be opening a *NeW* shop with screen printed fabrics, housewares, & even baby clothes. I have a blog that I update regularly with fun pictures & projects I'm working on. So drop on by and say hEllO!

#1:: Two prints of your choice from TaMs Etsy shop

Hey there from Reno Nevada! My name is Claire and I am a wife, mother to three beautiful children, & creative genius behind Mt. Rose 431 Shop. I love to knit beautiful things whenever I am able.
#2:: Cutie Pie cupcake hand knitted by Claire

Bonjour! I's 2009 & I can feel the winds of change....much like the character, Vivian Rocher in Chocolate. To live simply is something I am striving for more than ever this new year. My husband, three children, & I have all been learning to enjoy life's little pleasures...the sound of rain as it hits the elephant ears in the garden, the glorious smells of lemons, fresh sheets on the bed, sketching & coloring as a family, reading chapter books aloud at night, & discovering what truly matters. Art Nest is a place to celebrate everyday beauty, hard work, living creatively, artistic achievements, & remembering to live simply. Visit my Etsy store here!

#3:: Darling Pincushion ring
The last of the items to be given away is an original by Me! Summer, of Artfulife. In case this is your first time visiting, I am a wife to one sweetheart, a mother to 3 sweetiepies, & an artist. I created Artfulife as a way to share the my attempt of living a life filled with beauty & creativity.

#4:: Little Miss Redbird original painting on wooden plaque
How can I win All 4 of these handcrafted items?
All you have to do to enter this fun giveaway is to leave a comment & link back to to this post. A winner will be chosen by random number generator on May 2nd. If you want to add the button at the top of this post to the side of your blog please feel free! We all hope that you will spread the news of this super giveaway with all of your friends and family & Happy Spring!