Sloan is wearing her lion costume from her ballet performance as her costume. Zoe is wearing the costume I sewed for Sloan when she was two. Thanks to my mom (who sent me all of my sister's dress up outfits) & all of Sloan's dance recital outfits, the girls are set for costumes over the next few years. Aris will be a ladybug, the costume Zoe wore last year. I try not to think of it as being "cheep" the way I reuse these costumes. I try to think of myself as "chic" because I am using one of the three "R's". Reduce, reuse, recycle.

Last night was Sloan's diabetic support group. The theme was a Halloween one of coarse, and the girls were so very excited to give their costumes a trial run. I was excited to hear all about the insulin pump that Sloan is hopefully going to get in the next few months. The pump is by One Touch and produced by Johnson & Johnson. It's called the One Touch Ping. There are so many benefits of the Ping I could write a small novel about all of them. If you are interested in finding out for yourself go
here. I like all the many friendly features, Sloan is excited they come in different colors. I am excited to get this process started. I hope it will even out all of her "ups & downs" that she has each and every day with her sugar levels. Sometimes she's around 350 and then drops to 56 in less than an hour. These drops and spikes are terrible for her little body. I want to see this sweet little girl live the longest life possible. I will do anything within my power to help her achieve all her dreams of living a long healthy and happy life. If you want to know more information about the JDRF go
here. Please feel free to ask me any questions also. If you know someone with a family member who has diabetes, please encourage them to reach out to their local JDRF support group. It is a wonderful way to connect parents and kids with other families dealing with type 1 diabetes.