Friday, April 18, 2008
Shawn's new book

Painting progress
Here I have taken the red paint and added some more texture. I use a lot of the same techniques you would use for faux painting, I just apply them to the board. The more texture the better.
This next step is a lot of fun. I take a few of my accent colors and water them down quite a bit and then I start the "dripping" process. When I get to this part of the painting I paint thick lines or squiggles of paint and let it drip. I am constantly flipping the board so that the drips can go several different ways before they stop.
Here is where I am at the moment. I got to this point last night but had no batteries for the camera. I will be taking pictures of the process until the painting is finished. Please feel free to comment on what you think is working or not working. Just remember it's still got a ways to go before it is done.