You can go here to purchase a raffle ticket to win one of the wonderful packages up for raffle!
Kayleigh when she was first born! Oh so tiny!
Kayleigh now at 7 pounds, almost ready to go home. See here is the thing, they are going to loose their home. Due to all the growing medical expenses, a downturn in the market, (both parents are real estate agents) things are pretty tight these days for the Freeman family. I really hope everyone will go and take a peak. If you feel good about what we are doing here with this auction....PLEASE BLOG ABOUT IT! Pass the word along, pay it forward to help this sweet little family out.
Here she is with her Mom & Dad. Kayleigh is the youngest of the three Freeman kids. She has a darling older brother and sister.

My Birdie Sisters painting is just one of the many things you can win in this amazing raffle!
Please go and check it out!