Zoe watching her favorite Blues clues.

My dear friend Kirsten holding little Aris
So I have decided that what I have done with this painting/art/creative goal is just set myself up for failure. Unless Dean wins the lottery and we can afford a nanny or a house keeper, I am having a really hard time fitting in all that I want to do with all that I need to do. No I am not giving up. I just have to realize that sometimes having three kids means my day has only a few minutes for the things that I want to do. So no more deadlines or putting pressure on myself if one night I am unable to do my art for as long as I would like. If my kids need me, well they come first. Today is one of those days. So I am all stressed out because I feel this pressure to create. I have been monster mommy tonight. That is not the kind of mom I want to be. It is early. Popeye is still up so I am going to get down on the floor and play with her for a while. Before I go I'm adding a few photo's, enjoy!