Found via Internet
I found this image a few weeks back on the Internet. Aren't those clothes just adorable?Do you see the prices? I wish I could find clothes this cute for my girls at those prices. I have had a busy Saturday. A church activity for the girls and Abby's birthday party this afternoon have left me kind of tired. A busy but good day. It's been very cold and overcast all day today. The weather reminds me a lot of Oregon weather. I love this kind of weather. Makes me want to eat soup for lunch and snuggle up under a blanket while I watch old movies. I will settle for toasty socks, a pencil and a sketchbook instead of a movie. I have so many ideas I want to do and I find myself with less and less time to do them. Three kids are just keeping me running full speed lately. So slowly but surely I hope to get all these ideas down on paper.