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I really love Jacquie's blog. She is an amazing quilter and so very talented. I thought this was a fun idea. A spring to finish all unfinished projects by the end of April. The more projects you finish the more entries you can receive in a giveaway. I have so much to do I thought this would be a perfect way to keep me focused & maybe even allow me a chance to win some fabric. Fun!
Tonight I gessoed as many canvases that would fit on our table and the empty chairs in the dining room. Last night I sketched out almost all 20 of the paintings. It really helped me to not feel as overwhelmed as I did just hours before. I never used to be very organized, and probably am not at all compared to some people. I am finding however that having at least a small plan of how I need things to work, is working in my favor these days. I will post some pics tomorrow of the works in progress.
On another note, I have been working on my cooking skills. I never really fancied myself a cook. I always felt it takes too much time to do. I have been choosing my recipes on Sunday, Dean buys the ingredients and then I cook every night. I think in the long run it even saves us a little money. The awesome thing is my family actually likes what I'm cooking! Did you get that? Crazy huh? I'm using yummy recipes from Real Simple, old family favorites, Martha Stewart, Better Homes & Gardens, Sunset, and many others. I'll be posting some of the yummiest ones very soon on a very special blog I'm working on with my dear friend and fellow blogger Susannah of An Art Nest.
Hope you all have a wonderful Friday!