Not every Saturday, but most are spent outdoors. I put my foot down on movies and computer time. I'm a mean, mean mommy because I make everyone go outside and play. Terrible! Sloan would rather watch movies all day if she could. I am sure lots of kids like to do this. I mowed the yard and dean worked in the garden. He has done such a lovely job with it.

Our corn, broccoli, & squash (or zucchini)

Tomato plants, zucchini, and I think some cucumbers. We have never gardened before and I think if we had known how many zucchini one plant would produce we would have only planted two. Good thing we like Zucchini! It's going to be coming out of our ears. The pumpkins are coming along nicely and the tress are starting to grow. We even have a few pears on our pear tree.

We are so blessed to live next door to the nicest neighbors. Tony & Sara have watched our dogs several times when we have left town. We grilled up some yummy food as a thank you for all their kindness. Their daughter Haylie & Aris are just a few weeks apart in age. They have a blast playing together, last night Ring around the Rosie was a favorite.

How cool is this? A double rainbow. I haven't seen many of those.

The skies were full of dark black clouds and bright sunlight all at the same time. I love weather like that.
How did you spend your Saturday?