Uncle Ben with the two little monkeys.
Santa ate all the treats. Are those reindeer hoof prints?
You'll shoot your eye out! You can't see it well in my picture, but the lamp in the window is just like the one in the movie.
The lovely mirror from TJMaxx.
The curtains didn't turn out as well as I wanted them to.
Eric was such a help to Dean. He helped to seal and grout the floor. Poor guy, his hands were so torn up. All his hard work and sore hands paid off.
The laundry room. Both the bathroom and laundry room got a new coat of paint. The color was called "hot cocoa".
Even though all the construction was going on all around the house, Cindy had her house decorated so lovely for Christmas.
Starting point. This is how it all began.
Well for the most part things went as planned. There were of coarse as always a few setbacks here and there as there are with any remodel. For the most part everything went well. We only had a little drama the day before we left. Young Eric didn't know that Dean hadn't hooked up the washing machine. He needed to reconnect the water hose. So I'm sitting in the kitchen and it sort of sounds like someone left water running in a sink somewhere. I walked into the hall and there was water flooding the laundry room, hallway, and part of the bathroom. I started to yell for Jennifer to grab any towel and together we got it all cleaned up. It was horrible at the time, now I can laugh about it.
Dean worked so hard. He is so talented.