So I thought, hey, wouldn't it be fun to put some of the scarier movies I have seen in a post? Then I thought, hey, why not give you the trailers to watch. That way if you are to chicken, bock, bock, bock, bock, to watch the scary movies that I have recommended, at least you can watch a snippet of them. Trust me they are way scarier than the run on sentences I just wrote.
I know you might think, why didn't she add this movie? Or why didn't she add that movie? I only added movies that I have actually seen. I am very aware of other movies that might be even more frightening than the ones I have chosen. I didn't think it would be proper to add those that I haven't been frightened by. Some are not Halloween movies at all, but all of them have scared me. Some I will never watch again.
So heres to a very Spookable Halloween. I would love to know what you think about the movies I have suggested. Feel free to leave comments, and suggestions of movies you think I might need to see for a good scream.
Happy Halloween!
*I did forget to add Silence of the Lamb, and The Orphanage to the list below.
P.S. The Exorcist trailer I had a lot of trouble with. I don't know how it loaded twice, at the same exact moment in time. It kind of freaks me out, and yes it is one movie I will never watch again.