Here she is! Little Red Bird Girl. I wish my brain was creative enough to think of a cute name.... I am just too tired tonight. Plus I have the last four paintings in the series to finish this week. Maybe then I will have a better name for her. We will see. Well I am off to get the girls into bed, fold some laundry, watch some Hero's, paint, and snuggle up the sweetest man on this earth. My Dean. Sigh. I just adore him. It's freezing here and I can't think of a better thing to do on a cold night. So, lot's to do before I hit the hay. Hope to have another one of these to show you tomorrow night. When I am done with all of the series they will be making their way to my etsy shop. It's about time I put some new stuff in there don't ya think? Hope everyone has a lovely evening.