Bloesem Kids has tons of unique items for your little tot. If you don't have a little tot, these items would be an excellent choice for a friends baby shower, or a child's birthday.
I worked on the JDRF thank you project I have been putting off for a few months now. How terrible am I?
I had fun working on this project. I talked to my sister the whole time. She is such an awesome person. She is working so hard at school, and is so focused on her future and what she wants to do with her talents. All of her hard work has paid off. If she keeps it up, she can get a full ride to school. I love her strength and perseverance, I know it's hard for her to be so far away from all that is familiar and everything she loves. I can't wait until she can visit. We will have the best hen party ever.
Dean worked on the sewer line while I was having fun talking and working on art. This house is so old, so when you get one thing fixed and working right, another thing needs to be repaired. This is just one of those things that we have been watching and dealing with over the last few months with short term fixes. It can't be put off any longer. He will have to finish up the rest of the project tomorrow.