Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Last of the photos
Left to right: Carla, Lisa, Leslie, Me and in the front is Judy.
This was the lunch Carla invited me to at the local Outback Steakhouse. She had purchased two tickets to the private lunch. The tickets were to raise money for Baseball team Glenda's daughter plays on. Glenda was Sloan's first grade Teacher. They are a very good team and travel all over because they win so many tournaments. The money helps to cover all the traveling costs. Carla's husband was unable to attend so she called and invited me. It was delicious and I had such a lovely time with all my friends from FBCC.
Thanks Carla for inviting me to lunch! It was a special treat. Thank you Cristin for watching my girls so I could go. What a very special day.
Sorry it took me so long to upload all these photos. For some reason I have had some trouble uploading photos the past few days. Is anyone else having a hard time with this?
A really great weekend
This is right after we took the Hello Kitty hat off, see she was fine.
On other happenings in our home, Dean worked so very hard in the kitchen all afternoon into the evening. Today he bull nosed the counter tiles. They look and feel great. All the dust that the grinder produced gave me a good excuse to wipe everything in the house down. I have a very nice lady from church coming over tomorrow with her three boys for a play date. I don't know her very well but I hope to make a new friend. We talked for the very first time today and laughed and laughed so I think it will be fun to get to know her better.
It is super late and I finally am feeling a little tired. I think I will go snuggle up next to my sweetheart and try to go to sleep. Sleep well and enjoy the pictures, I will post the rest tomorrow.