Imagine. I loved the theme of this years event. Imagine a world without diabetes. How awesome that would be.

Here we are, Dean's very first suit. He looks so very handsome.

The bird plate was done by Sloan and I. Every year they auction off plates painted by kids with diabetes.

I found my painting was turned the wrong way. No worries I was able to meet the gentleman who won this and I informed him on the correct way to hang it.
They grouped all my little animals together, sadly this lot didn't sell. It's OK, they will put them in the next auction in the fall.

The ballroom.

Hey cutie! Can you tell this isn't Dean's cup o' tea? He's such a good sport about it. I will admit, I feel a bit out of place also. We aren't into keeping up with the Jone's. It's still fun to get dressed up once a year.
It was truly a special evening filled with wonderful food, great entertainment and big hearts. Hard to believe that in one night 1.6 million dollars was raised for this cause. Hopefully they will find a cure sooner than later. There is nothing I would love more, than to wake up one morning and hear on the news, "Diabetes, Cured!". I would cry tears of joy. Hopefully someday this dream will come true.