I anxiously awaited a phone call from Sloan's Dr. today. I missed her call yesterday and then proceeded to worry all night & most of today. I was really hoping this test would tell us something. I was heartbroken to hear that once again she has elevated levels on her ANA test but the Dr.'s aren't sure what is specifically wrong. One Dr. even said it's probably just her diabetes causing these results. I'm not convinced. SOMETHING is causing my daughter so much pain. She's almost over this "flair up", however I am guessing the next one will begin in 3-4 weeks from now. I am keeping a detailed log of what's going on. Something is just not adding up. Two tests with elevated results I feel means there is something going on. Her pediatrician is calling me this week to talk about the next step to take in this process. Thank you for all your well wishes and for the prayers. I can feel them. I'm grateful to you all.

Seriously if you haven't ever dropped by to say hello to my bloggy artist friends Dylan & Jo of The Cart Before the Horse now's the time. I love all of their wonderful & whimsical creations. Right now they are having a giveaway to celebrate their 200th post!

you can win this handmade doll..........

or some of their patterny goodness so you can make one of your very own Dylan & Jo wall hangings. Either one you choose I think they are both swell prizes to win.
Last but certainly not least, there is still time to rate my photo "Happiness" for the Show us your America contest. The more 5star ratings I receive the better chance I have of making it to the final 10. you can rate my photo here.