Sunday, June 29, 2008
A Week in Photos
Aris and her new tambourine. It can be one giant instrument or four little ones.
Sloan received very lovely gifts for her birthday. She was so excited because she was given three Webkins for gifts at the party, and her Pop Pop & Bumma sent her one. With the money she received for gifts from other grandmas & Grandpas and the three she won at Katrina's party she now has 11 Webkins. A whole Webkin family if you will. She is so thrilled.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Computer Problems
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
Today was another water filled day. After our morning walk , all the girls and their kids from the walking group came over and we had a picnic lunch. Everyone brought their own sammies and I made up a big yummy salad for us girls. Each of the girls brought something for the picnic. I had such a fun time visiting and the kids had fun running and playing in the water on such a hot day. Plus it gave me an excuse to clean up all the girls outdoor play furniture and pull out the lovely picnic table set Auntie Carla gave us.
Clair came by the picnic also. I wanted to introduce you to little Asher. He is so cute. It is strange to hold a newborn. Aris is sooo small to me, until I hold this little guy. Clair is such a great mom, very laid back. I am lucky to have her as a friend. Penny and Sloan had so much fun playing together today that she ended up staying at our house all afternoon. It was great. They played animals and shark rescue. The cutest part was when they made up a song together. It actually sounded half way decent. Clair stayed with my girls while I went to a baby shower tonight, and also watched them while I ran to Target & the post office today. I told you she was an amazing friend.
So I decided that I needed to make something for the shower I was going to tonight. I bought a really cute pair of overalls for little Vincent, but I kind of feel like I should always make something for the little parties I go to now. I thought hey, I'll applique some cute little things to the front of some Onesies. I got all the designs cut out and ironed on and I was ready to sew around the edges. All this in less than three hours, feeling pretty good about myself (should have been a clue of things to come) and then the poo poo hit the fan. My machine wouldn't work fast enough and I only finished one. The thread kept breaking, and it was much harder to sew edges on such a small double sided item. The one I finished wasn't even my own idea (the others are). I have seen the Onsies with the fake tie on them and think its pretty cute. That was the one I finished. I was very sad. At the shower they loved it. It was one of the few gifts that actually earned a group "ohaoahhhhhhh", you know the sound I am talking about. That made up for the others not being finished yet.
Off to work on the last of the Onesies, the unfinished Quilt, and all the many ideas that are haunting me. Sleep well everyone and happy creating this weekend.
Product may be Smaller than Picture Appears
On the package it looked like 10 eight year old kids could party down with room to spare in this pool. Never the less the girls had a blast. Oh yeah, isn't it great when you catch your kid being a bully on video. Poor Penny, she must have asked Sloan like 5 or 6 times to STOP squirting her. Sorry Penny.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Birthday fun
Happy Birthday Sloan

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Soggy Zozzers
Cleaning House

I want to apologize for the lack of posts lately. I just feel a little out of sorts with my new schedule. Sometimes it takes me a good week to get into the swing of things when we have big changes around here. To be honest I have been enjoying my early morning walks with the girls and long afternoon naps with the little ones. I think it is safe to say that Sloan has been enjoying the TV time when I nap with the girls. I have just been a little lazy for the past few days. It is much deserved. It has given me a chance to clean and organize our little home, spend special time with each of the girls and to work on some sewing. It has also given me a chance to dream and imagine. With that comes all these new inspirations and ideas. I will be over the next few weeks trying to clean up my blog. I just want it to look a little more polished. I will also be adding new links and hopefully revamping the way my art is shown at the bottom of my blog. Comments are much appreciated. Let me know what you think when I am done. Take care!