I thought I'd start this post off with a lovely "before" pic of my ironing board. I bought this when I first moved to Nevada & got my own place. It's almost 8 years old. I've had it longer than 3 of my children. It's been with me longer than my husband. Sweet little Bessie has been a real help all these years (I just made her name up, cause I don't usually name inanimate objects) Let's face it she's pretty worn down & needed a makeover. When I would iron I could feel the metal beneath her thin little cover. It was getting harder & harder to iron. I have so many projects to finish that it was time to get a new cover.
So guess what I found the other night in the discount section at Ross?
Isn't it awesome! I love my new cover! LOVE it! It makes me want to iron everything. It almost makes want to iron my clothes.......nah.
I got it just in time too because I've been doing an awful lot of ironing the quilt I've been working on. this is my first attempt at improv quilting. I took the most amazing class on improve quilting at the
Sewing Summit from Jessica Berret of the blog
Urban Patchwork. I had a chance to sit with her in the free motion quilting class by Allison Harris of
Cluck Cluck Sew & she was just as sweet & friendly as can be. I learned so much from her class & really feel more confident to loosen up when it comes to quilting. Jessica's quilts were amazing! It makes me want to think outside the box when it comes to upcoming quilts that I work on.

I have had so much fun making this section for the back of the scotty dog quilts in the previous post. It is taking soooooo much longer than I thought it would making these quilts. I thought for sure I would have mailed them off already. I hope my sweet friend hasn't given up on me. I am working in every spare moment to finish them up & send them off this week. I need to get these done this week because I have 3 other quilts to make for her. The three other quilting projects are going to be just as fun! (but hopefully won't take me quite so long....sorry about that Elizabeth!)

My thought with these quilts was to give them a very vintage feel on the front & a more modern feel on the back. That way she has two different quilts to choose from when using them in her cabin. The quilts are huge too. They could almost be used on a queen sized bed. She will be using them on two twin sized mattresses. I made them bigger on purpose. Remember the old time bed sets that went all the way to the floor & you could tuck the pillow up underneath the quilt? My great grandmother had quilts like that on her bed. I wanted these to have the same effect.
I'll be sewing up a storm tomorrow & promise to share a few more work in progress photos on Sunday. Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend.