Don't forget to visit Design Mom for other amazing auctions. All helping to raise funds for Stephanie and her family.
Shhhh! Momma Owl is trying to get all her little owls to settle down, for the moon is waining, and the sun will soon be ready to say hello. She is reading her little one's their favorite book, Goodnight Moon. Looks like little brother has already fallen asleep from a busy night of hide and go seek and lightning bug races. Good luck Momma Owl, those other two look like real night owls. (sorry guy's, I couldn't help myself)
Up for auction is the original painting "Sleepyheads" in this lovely wooden frame. This is an original painting (not a print) using watercolors and acrylic paints. The size is 5"x 7" and the painting is mounted on coordinating acid free scrapbooking paper.

I just visited Kathleen's lovely blog, Grosgrain, and found out the most heart breaking events that have happened to the family of Stephanie from the very well know blog The NieNie Dialogues. Stephanie and her husband Christian were in a plane crash two weeks ago. From what I understand Stephanie received burns over 80% of her body and her husband received burns on over 30% of his body. It is speculated that the medical bills will soar to the upper thousands if not millions. I am touched by Kathleen's kindness. She has decided to auction off one of her beautiful handmade dresses. Although I am new to the NieNie Dialogues ( I found them through Grosgrains links) I feel the need to help out in any way possible. I have decided to follow in Kathleen's footsteps and host a silent auction also.
Instead of hosting a giveaway this week, I am going to put one of my original illustrations up for auction. To purchase the painting, just leave your bid in the comment section. Check back often. If you would like to increase your bid, just leave another comment with your new amount. Bidding will end on Sunday August 31st at 12 pm my time. The painting will go to the highest bidder. The money will go straight to a fund set up to help the family with all the upcoming expenses.
I will be keeping this sweet family in my prayers. I pray that they both have a speedy recovery.
I would like to thank Kathleen for passing all this information along. I hope she doesn't mind that I used the images from her blog to put on this post. If you want to find out more information on ways that you as a fellow blogger can help, please visit C Jane (Stephanie's sister's blog) for more details.