Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sketchbook Project (part2)


The second theme of my sketchbook was "blankets" So I decided to draw some of my favorite quilts from one of my favorite books, Treasury of American Quilts. I found this book while working at Barnes & Noble oh so many years ago. I have checked it out from the library more times than I can count. Why I don't own a copy yet is beyond me. It's filled with beautiful quilts from years gone by. All the quilts included in the book are ones I'd love to snuggle up in. Quilts are my favorite kind of blankets. I thought it only fitting to draw them and add them to my sketchbook. All the blankets drawn above are contour line drawings. They aren't blind contour because I wanted them to actually look similar to what quilt I was drawing from the book. However I still wanted them to flow with the previous set of drawings & that's why I used one continuous line to draw each sketch. They were stinkin fun to draw. The one with all the little people in it is probably my favorite so far. It took a little over an hour from start to finish. I live an exciting life huh, lol :)

I have one more "blanket" sketch to finish & then I'll be working on the "sheets" part of the sketchbook. Oh, I think I forgot to mention some great news! Due to the holiday weekend sketchbooks don't have to be mailed until Tuesday. Yippie! I might actually finish. I'll be sharing more sketches soon. You'll be sick of line drawings by the time I'm through.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's alot of work, Summer! I don't think we'll ever get sick of your drawings but you might get sick of drawing them!! Fabulous!
P.S. That chubby little boy in the above photo is adorable, too!