Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Garden Goodness

Our garden is blowing up! The tomatoes are coming in so nicely. Our zucchini plant is producing enough for me to make at least a few loaves of bread each week (I'll have to post my favorite recipe soon). The squash are getting bigger & I look forward to eating acorn squash with butter & brown sugar when the nights start cooling down a little. I know fall is just around the corner. I can feel it in the evening air. I'll keep soaking up these hot summer days while I can. Has anyone else noticed what an amazing year it has been for fruit? Even our baby fruit trees have a few things that will need to be picked. Our neighbors apple tree is filled & drooping over our fence. The cherry tree in the back field of our house, plums, apricots, & peaches are growing like crazy around the neighborhood. I don't ever remember a year quite like this. Maybe, it's always been like this & I just haven't noticed. I'd like to think I'm more in tune with nature than I used to be. However there is always room for improvement. Dean & I still want to get bees & chickens. We'd love to own a little more land so we could have a few farm animals. Who knows, it may just happen one day. For now I'll just enjoy the fruits (& veggies) of our labor.

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