So I did it! I opened the shop last night at almost midnight. It looks ridiculous. I figure the more I do this the faster I will become at loading the pictures and listing the art. It took me forever to post one item. The pictures are dark, and it makes my art look pretty undesirable. I also need to work on an illustration for the banner. Please bear with me while I work out all the kinks. The cool thing is, Susannah over at Sitting Pretty Studios, said I already had three people who have added me to their favorites (she was kind enough to add me as a favorite). Very exciting. She also gave me some very helpful ideas to improve the look and feel of my shop. I figure it will take me a few more days to get it looking exactly how I would like it to.
So all the little ones are napping and I am going to take a bunch of photo's and get cracking on some artwork. Please feel free to leave some constructive ideas and any helpful advise that you would like. All will be appreciated. Hope you all are having a wonderful day.