Monday, October 22, 2007

An uneventfully eventfull day

Little Sloan is back on her normal school schedule. So I was able to take a nap with the girls, although I am still pretty tired. I had a lovely phone visit with Deans Grandma Swanson. Carol is super spunky, but has a heart of gold. She makes me smile and is so very kind. I feel very blessed to have all of Deans family in my life.
Little Aris and Zoe both have a case of the runny nose blues today. It is no fun when your little ones are not feeling totally 100%. I am hoping that tomorrow everyone is feeling better.
When Dean came home tonight he let me know that his Mom and Eric and Jennifer all had to evacuate their home today due to the fires in California. I hope we all can keep them in our prayers.
I am sorry this is a little short tonight, but my neck is sore and my head is aching so I am going to go to bed. Until tomorrow, Good night!