All the photo's above were taken by my sister Cristin & her sweetie Chris on her latest trip to Boston. I love my little sister soooooo much! She is a very talented artist & photographer. I really hope she keeps up with it all & follows her dreams of pursuing an art major.
I have so many projects to finish up today and tomorrow. I promised the girls:: I would take them to the library, Dean:: I'd fix dinner, myself:: I'd finish this art project I am working on. Too many things to do. Too many things I want to work on. Just not enough hours in the day. If I had enough energy to create and make all that I really wanted to paint, sew, & make....my days would never end. I should do an illustration about my problem of too many ideas & not enough time. I'm not even accounting for all my shortcomings of being a wife & mother. That painting would take up a whole block. Oh my. Well, off to put kids down for a nap, fold laundry & work on the artsy stuff. Enjoy your Tuesday!