A book every artist should have. There is tons of great reference in this one book. I am constantly pulling this out and looking at the different animals in the book when I do my animal illustrations. It is very helpful for proportion and placement of limbs. Plus I don't always know what these animals look like in fine detail. It's not like I sit and look at Egyptian vultures all day. There are also chapters dedicated to bugs and sea animals. This book retails for 14.95. However I am sure if you do a little hunting you can find it for less on Ebay or Amizon.com.

Lori over at Morning Glories and Moon Flowers has already started craving fall and all the wonder's this very fun season brings. It happens to be one of my favorite times of the year also. There is something so exciting about the changing of the leaves into all the beautiful fall colors, the crispness of the fall air, the upcoming festivities of the holiday season just around the corner. Most importantly, Fall reminds me of Family, and brings back a flood of great memories from years of family gatherings past. So all of Lori's talk of pumpkins and fall has really gotten my creative mind into gear. I couldn't sketch fast enough today, and I am worried weather or not I will be able to finish all the new paintings I want to do before fall is over.

Here's what I am working on right now. I got a lot of the under painting done yesterday (as seen in the photo above). I hope to show the finished work by Wednesday. Then I will be adding it to the shop. The next few images are a little showcase of how I gather ideas and thoughts to create an illustration. I use the Internet sometimes for creative inspiration, but I have this huge file of "idea's" that I am constantly referring to for most of my inspiration.

I love monkey's. they have always been my favorite. These old toys are so funny. The vintage feel is what I tried to capture in my current illustration. I found this image via suzisshabbydecor.com.

I found this cute vintage children's fabric on Fifth Ave Designs website. The frogs playing instruments are my favorite.

Vintage posters have always been something that caught my eye. I especially love this one because "Ringling" is very dear to my heart. I was lucky enough to attend a year and a half of art school at
The Ringling School of Art and Design in Sarasota Florida. I wish that I had been able to finish my education there, but I went and had my little Sloanie instead. Still paying off the student loans though. I'm not bitter, just wish I had not wasted such a wonderful opportunity. Just to set the record straight, there are many things I regret having done in the past. Having my daughter was never one of them.

So I went on the hunt to find some lettering ideas and I ran into these wonderful paintings on Creativereview.com. I think they are super fun. Just thought I would share with you how I gather my thoughts and ideas for sketches. It's fun to get inspired by the creative images I have found. I always make sure that I don't copy someone else's art work though. Making my own artwork is so gratifying.
Summer- I love your sketches- especially your little trick or treaters!:-) There is still quite a bit of time before Fall is officially here, but it sure is fun getting ready for it! Lori
Summer- I just posted about your Etsy shop on my blog. I hope you don't mind, but I put the picture that you sent to Firefly Hill on my blog. I will remove it, if you wish. Just let me know.:-) Lori
Summer~ Oh I love the fabric!! That's the fabric both my sons had in his nursery!! It's called "Topsy Turvey", I feel in love with it! My Mom designed a while nursery around it with a "tent" where the diaper changing table was! I adore the elephant!! Too cute!!
Have a wonderful day!! :)
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