For years it was just Isaac and I. Yes we used to fight, however I remember way more childhood memories of us making forts under the kitchen table on rainy Florida days. We used to read different Dr. Seuss books and record them on cassette tapes. I still have those tapes and they are one of my most treasured possessions. I do remember as we grew older he disliked me so very much. There were several years where we didn't talk. Always such a sadness, an emptiness in my heart during those years. Although Isaac and I are total opposites, I have always respected him so very much for who he is and how hard he is working to become the best person he can be.
Three years ago, on the very day I delivered my sweet little Zoe (Isaac and Zoe share the same birthday) Isaac called me to let me know he hoped things were going well. After two years of no communication, I was ecstatic. It was one of those moments that still warms my heart. Because despite all the bumps along the way Isaac is my very favoritest brother (my only brother).
A few interesting facts about my brother. He is taller than me (all my siblings are). He is an excellent chess player. He is an excellent writer. Wants to travel the world. Is super duper intelligent (I can't understand a lot of the more complex issues he talks about, I still like to listen though). He just dropped out of graduate school to become an electrician. My most favorite fact about my bro is that we have the same sense of humor. So Isaac, I miss you so much. Oh and by the way, I am working on getting a copy of What's up Doc. We hope to see you soon. It's been much to long. Love you Isaac.
Summer, I know exactly what you mean. I didnt know I even had a sister until I was pregnant with my first child. We became very close for a couple of years then I quit doing all the partying and became a christian and we began to see things differently and within 6 months we were not talking again. That was 6 or so yrs ago and I have tried to find her and contact her but have not had any luck. I just wish I could let her know I love her. So Ive said all that to say this I will be praying that your family closness will return and you and your brother will once again be close, because I know exactly how you feel. Much blessings, Karen
I will be praying for you too Karen. I am so grateful Isaac and I are able to talk again. Growing up can make all the difference. Give your sister some time. The Lord has his own timeline. I am sure someday he will provide a way for you both to reconnect. Then the friendship/sister bond will be that much sweeter. Hugs Karen-Summer
um, not to just disregard all the warm family fuzzies (i think it is lovely that you two have rekindled a relationship... and i think you're right, growing up makes a big difference in a lot of our relationships) but are you referring to THIS what's up doc? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/What%27s_Up,_Doc%3F_(film) because that one is on my list of all time favorites.... and nobody ever knows what i am talking about....
Absolutely. One of my all time favorite comedies. Pure comedy. No smut (at least for todays standards)
too much. i knew you were cool, but now i know how cool you are! ;-)
also, just reread the last comment of mine and i hope i didn't sound really sarcastic or something. i meant it all genuinely, it is just that i was really in a hurry to ask you about WUD? i got a little excited, i guess :-)
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